An Incomplete Collection

Reading List


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Less Academic

On Life

On Writing

On Learning How to Learn

On Getting a PhD (in Econ or Marketing)

More Academic

Demand Estimation

  • Berry (1994) Estimating Discrete Choice Models of Product Differentiation [link]
  • Nevo (2000) A Practitioner’s Guide to Estimation of Random-Coefcients Logit Models of Demand [link]
  • Chintagunta & Nair (2011) Discrete Choice Models of Consumer Demand in Marketing [link]
  • Berry and Haile (2021) Foundations of Demand Estimation [link]
  • Gandhi & Nevo (2021) Empirical Models of Demand and Supply in Differentiated Products Industries [link]
  • Ursu, Seiler, & Honka (Draft) The Sequential Search Model: A Framework for Empirical Research [link]

Causal Inference

  • Rossi (2014) Even the Rich Can Make Themselves Poor: A Critical Examination of IV Methods in Marketing Applications [link]
  • Angrist (2022) Empirical Strategies in Economics: Illuminating the Path From Cause to Effect [link]
  • Heckman and Pinto (Draft) Causality and Econometrics [link]
